So sweet, so delicious, and so bad for your teeth! Sugars in foods promote bacteria in the mouth that produce acids that dissolve and damage teeth. Sugar is in almost every prepackaged food we eat, and trying to avoid it can be a difficult task. Sugar is found in many beverages, including sodas, sports drinks, energy drinks, sweet teas, and more. Tooth erosion can occur when acids dissolve the outer surface of the tooth enamel, and this loss can lead to tooth sensitivity or cavities. You may not be noticing the sugar in foods such as cough drops, that you hold next to your teeth for prolonged periods, allowing bacteria to proliferate. Even worse can be sticky candies, such as gummy bears, that can stick in the crevices of your teeth and are not washed away by saliva. Along with gummy bears, jelly beans, caramels, and even raisins or other dried fruits can stick on the teeth and damage the enamel. If you do eat or drink sugary foods, rinse your mouth after, to get the acid-causing bacteria out. Brush your teeth if you have eaten sticky sweets to get them off your teeth. Being aware that sugars can be damaging to your teeth can make you more careful to keep your teeth clean and evaluate your eating habits.