Bad habits are hard to break, but unfortunately your dentures might not be. That’s why when you wear dentures, you should avoid these five harmful practices that could cause costly damage to your dentures!
Chewing Gum
Gum is a delicious way to keep your mouth moist and freshen your breath, but unfortunately most gum isn’t good for your dentures. It can easily get stuck to them and become nearly impossible to clean. This can in turn trap food and plaque, making them smell bad and look even worse.
If you do decide to chew, be sure to find a brand that specifies it is safe for dentures, otherwise you could find yourself in a very sticky situation!
Biting Your Nails
Nail biting is a bad habit even without dentures. It’s bad for your nails as well as for your teeth and gums, and it can easily break your crowns. Dentures were only meant to chew food and can potentially crack or lose an entire crown if you’re not careful, so be sure to only use them for edible items.
Sleeping In Your Dentures
Sometimes after a long day it can be hard to perform your regular bedtime routine. Sleeping with your makeup on or not changing out of the clothes you wore during the day aren’t always the best idea, but they’re usually harmless. Unfortunately, however, sleeping in your dentures is another story. That’s because when you leave them in your mouth overnight, they can easily dry out and warp or crack. This can cause them to stop fitting you, making it uncomfortable to wear them, or in the case of cracks, can harbor germs and bacteria.
Be sure to remove them each night and soak them in water to prevent them from drying out.
Not Cleaning Your Dentures
Nobody wants bad breath or food stuck in their dentures, but that’s exactly what can happen if you don’t regularly brush and floss them. With time, this can cause embarrassing stains and discoloration, so make sure you clean them at least once a day.
Remember, dentures are an excellent solution to replace missing teeth, however if you don’t take proper care of them, they can easily become damaged. Repairing damages can be costly, and that’s if you can even fix them. In some cases, such as if they become cracked, you may need to replace them entirely.
About Our Practice
At Meadowbrook Dental Care, you’re more than just a number. We strive to treat every patient with kindness, dignity and compassion. We care for patients of all ages, and we’re happy to provide services ranging from dental exams to cosmetic dentistry and even dentures.
To schedule an appointment for dentures, please visit our website or call us at 516-284-1234.